Caution: the odd poem may contain swear words.
CONTENTS: Unwoke folk / You, they, them / The sins of soliloquizing / Pollie waffle, or… / Sky Spews (after dark) / Fake make-believers / Lactating zealots / Illegal: a sick bird / Trans-diapause / Same difference / NO resumes / The donut difference / One of many #NO-HOs / Mirror interest / Good, better, worst / Dick spuds / The Voice laryngitis / Sucked seeds / War sores / Rooned / Plague of plaque / Feet up / Parallel Universes 101 / Ellen Pee (rap with a silent ‘C’) / One plus one / Don’t ask, don’t tell / Done over / Children overboard overlord / My shout! / Da Plan / A good fire / Spinners are grinners / Lie dyed ties / Minors milked by miners / Who’s worse? / Dented / The Lied Piper / Freedumb / Rubberstamp toads in red heels / Covid: the interview / Everything but… / Taliban or Teleman? / Fatboy / Compulsive loopies / Warfor? / Poor Potty / Jack and Jill / Fact or friction? / Nothing to see… / Bein’ LNP’d / Terrorism’s whipping boys… (and girls) / Truth or dare / The fifteenth man / Divine porkies / One of many… / Whose staffer? / Syllables / Seein’ the Corona, via eclipsed light / Joke or Journalist? / Wealth / The unreal newsreel / Climbing the ladder / The fuxer / The Miscellaneous Allied Flute-reamers & Pipe-joiners / Blowflies / Inheritance tax / PTD / Rattus rattus / Evil / Blood suckers / Hobbled, nobbled turkeys gobbled / Swamps / Btrootr / Question Time: Rooter? Rorter? Oughta? / The worst -ology / Impotent, important POTUS / The Attic / Our dog’s got rich fleas / My owl impression: Who? / Refugees / Global village, two warring tribes
Unwoke folk
I’d rather be ‘woke’ than asleep at the wheel
Knowing reality and how it does feel
Seeing the truth, mind open to the light
Empathy’s urge, to fight for what’s right
With distal elites, in their gated security
And conned wannabes, from clueless obscurity
Fakebook frenzy, of loyal deranged postings
Desperate to keep unwoke status toastings.
You, they, them
They lied to you, you believed them
About climate change, you believed them
About need for war, you believed them
About Vote No! You believed them
And religious claptrap, you believed them.
About politics, you believed them
And things economic, you believed them
About minorities, you believed them
About scams, lost money, you believed them
They lied about lying, you believed them.
They lied to you, you believed them
You didn’t check, get the facts to view
You allowed them to trick and con you
Why’d they lie, why did you believe them?
So think: who’s ‘they,’ and are you the ‘you?’
Or worse…
You know they lied, you still believe in them
You spread their lies, but don’t believe them
You cheer their lies, when others believe them
No pity for you, when their lies harm you.
The sins of soliloquizing
Make a bomb and strap it on
Kill random people, believing the con
Off to heaven, religion’s reward
A hundred virgins the promised accord.
Grotesquely reviled this belief and act
In guise of God’s glory, a sinful pact
Innocent people, randomly murdered
What could be worse? Boastful gloats worded?
Then there’s the ‘Rapture,’ the faith and belief
Only devouts, worshippers get relief
From wars, disasters, ecocide and suffering
The ‘Tribulation,’ to hell, sinners shuffling.
In the meantime, wars and genocide
Our God’s best, “We won’t be denied!”
We’ll bomb and starve, dispossess their land
With sovereign mates lending a hand.
So those believers, willing this dire fate
Riches plundered, with a corrupt mate
Hoping, helping, the planet’s demise
Terrorist or believer, the most to despise?
Pollie waffle, or…
Snakey, sneaky, snarky, snide
Nasty, negative, nonsense lied
Decrying, dishonest, deed denial
Bullying, bleating, belching bile
Pompous, pious, pawn-pimp profile.
Honest, honourable, heartfelt, helpful
Pursuits productive, proactive, professional
Consultative, considered, contrite, caring
Informed, inclusive, incisive, unerring
Your voice, your choice, your vote conferring.
Sky Spews
(after dark)
The right hand fits the right glove
No need for edit, push n shove
Pus n puke, nil merit, free of
No surprise, but “Heavens above!”
Poison darts for the white dove
Hate n bigotry’s labour of love.
Fake make-believers
They proclaim themselves as the chosen ones
The origin of reason for hot cross buns
The proof of their claim: their Holy Book
The Hewbrew Bible, for their own they took.
But genetic tests show very few Zionists
Are decendants of the biblical religionists
So their stated claim to the biblical birthplace
Displacing inhabitants, has no factual base.
Espousing the Gospel, the Ten Commandments
‘Though shalt not kill,’ such sacred pronouncements
So living a pure life gains entry to Heaven
Guaranteed beneficiary of the Ascension.
Now if as spruiked, they’re off to eternal life
How can it be, their obvious sins so rife?
And why need that land, second coming so near?
Nothing so evil as a murdering veneer-seer’s sneer.
Lactating zealots
We fossil fuel moguls have our huge profits to protect
So how to ensconce governments, a servile puppet target
We’ve got mainstream media, singing our sleazy song
But how to con the voters, who see the climate’s wrong?
We’ll win the vote if we sway just fifteen-odd percent
But who and how to recruit, to covertly circumvent?
Ahh…! There’s no bigger zealot than a religious zealot!
Who’s pre-formed, already enchained, by concocted prelate.
We know they now follow, social media, TV forums and bots
Slavishly adopting mindsets, beliefs plus denial clots
Promise them: “No abortions!” they’ll overlook genocide
And embrace conspiracies, and promote them with pious pride.
So, first we’ll fund forums, quasi-religious associations
Atlas, Advance, CPAC, to promote and and meet their expectations
Already on the path to their ‘Seven Mountains’ mandate
Easy meat to mince, foot soldiers who diligently lactate.
So then we’ll get them bleating: HAARP and Chemtrail garbage
The ‘real’ cause (not fossil fuels) of current climate-change carnage
And modify the lies and message, as new threats thus arise
So due to some God’s will and testament: the Referendum dies…
Illegal: a sick bird
Judicial appointments by the LNP in government
Right wing elites, school ties, guaranteed malevolent
Judges unelected, unquestioned, lengthy tenure
Non-disclosure of values, beliefs, mostly male gender.
No transparency, inherent racial, social bias
Indigenous incarceration, sexism impious
Precedents, methodology and contrived laws
Dismay at acquittals, appeals and sentencing flaws.
Appeals twice rejected, to toe the right-wing line
Then suddenly, Labor in power, the same appeal fine
Embarrass, foment trouble for those perceived usurpers
Invisible wigs’ fresh fodder for the media-mate chirpers.
Cold-blooded insects die out when winter comes
No food, cold enzymes, no metabolic crumbs
But larvae and pupae go into diapause
Suspended, even frozen, ‘til Spring’s warm thaws.
But one species of grub: the LNP ex-MP
Does trans-diapause, the heat-survival strategy
Voted out, corruption, scandal, too hot so retires
Cool rebirth, years later, TV interviews, expert liars.
Same difference
‘Democracies’ decry control by despotic dictatorships
China, North Korea, Russia: ruled by cruel iron whips
State-run media, censorship, propaganda and lies
By luxuriant elites, insider connections, corruption-fed ties.
‘Democracies’ allow personal rights, enterprise and freedoms
Free press, social platforms, monopolised mogul-owned media serfdoms
The right to print lies, biased cover-ups, fake sources, false opinions
To foment hate, political divisions, demonise minorities, hijack elections.
Our lucky country allows charities, with tax-deductable donations
Dark-monied think tanks to covertly spread evil misinformations
To pervert sheeple mind-sets, elites’ agendas’ protest movements…
Lucky we’re free of Xi Jin, Kim Jong and Poo Tin’s torments…
NO resumes
A casual flick through the ‘no’ spruikers’ curriculums vitae:
- The reliability of the US military/Industrial puke in winning confected wars
- The ethics of big Pharma’s drugs that don’t work, cause harm
- The respectability of a grubby-gobby grog-hog redneck Btrootr
- The mendacity of a mobster defending murder charges
- The affability of a destructive nocturnal lawn grub
- The obsequiousness of a salivating lobbyist
- The empathy of Transylvania’s Vlad the Impaler
- The honesty and truth of a Brexit or MAGA campaign
- The conflicted interest of a big-four consulting conglomerate
- The repugnance of a lying licentious LNP staffer
- The racism of the euuuw-knighted States’ Klu Klux Klan
- All the credibility of a depraved-despot predatory Poo tin
Caveat emptor: buyer/backer beware the slimy snare…
The donut difference
The LNP toads, taking the ‘O’ out of COUNTRY
Vote ‘no,’ for membership and free entry
To continue the history of colonial thuggery
To those who welcome US to THEIR country
Dispossessed after millennia of laudatory curatory
Conned by same causes of Brexit, Frump’s excretory
Buy your place in the land of the landed gentry?
The elitists, they despise and deride you secretly
With their smug, self-assured, insider effrontery
So don’t get blubbery, your needs deemed perfunctory
Screwed by the adultery deeds of the exclusive cuntry
C’mon Aussies, prove we’re not a dilatory repository
A collective of holes where one shoves a suppository
Vote ‘YES,’ or cop the punitory, condemnatory purgatory.
One of many #NO-HOs
The rapacious raw onion dip (shit)
The pedo-protecting cattle tick
The church-promoted road’s collar
The shirt-front ‘You bet you will’ holler
The ‘Shit happens’ and Prince’s knighthood
The advice, when ironing, to the sisterhood
The acclaim that even Canadia would
The ALP ‘job loss Holocaust’ should
The pissed n missed the crucial vote
The dying Bernie Banton amoral anecdote
The Invasion was English foreign investment
The Liberal colleague’s suicide amusement
The daughters advice on losing virginity
The abortion ‘Easy way out…’ senility
The cuts to Indigenous support then gloat
The ‘Lifestyle choice’ to those living remote
The never-was, has-been Credlin shame show
The ‘Don’t know? Donkey vote No!’ ho…
Mirror interest
Wad’a we want?
When d’we want it?
Look in the mirror, wad’a ya see?
Self-interest’s sacred cow.
How d’ya get it, this self-interest?
By self-centred means, anyhow!
What’s the go with self-interest?
A secret donor sow
Lies the media allow
To start a ‘take sides’ row
Spruik the ‘no’ vote vow!
Take the ‘job done’ bow…
Good, better, worst
People are saying, “Scomo’s the worst!”
I disagree: another cunt came first
(r)Abbott and fellow grub-scum hashtags
Just rode on the rat-cunt’s shoulder pads.
The foundation for evil, craftily created
Ugly social norms, sneakily perpetrated
Racism, leaners, greenies, and Lefties
With predatory grifters, rorters as besties.
Populism, privatised, profitised, polarisation
Vote-buying, post-truth, non-secularisation
War-mongering, cover-ups, political affiliation
The lying rodent’s true legacy: vile vilification.
Dick spuds
Dictators come and dick-tatoes go
Killed, deposed, replaced by a foe
Human history consistently shows
Transient fate of those ‘on the nose.’
Various types of dictator arise
By coup, civil war, invasion’s surprise
And hijacked democracy, plus judiciaries
Despots, religious, exploiters of unwaries.
The Voice laryngitis
Reckon I’d be hard-pressed to find someone who
An Aussie whose current, general point of view
Supports Russia in their invasion of Ukraine
The bombings, murders, stolen land so plain.
But heaps of those same Aussies loudly
Say, “No!” to ‘The Voice’ publicly, proudly
Can’t/won’t see First People’s same tragic fate
Disgusting that ‘The Voice’ is even a debate!
Now if Ukraine skin colour was non-white
Would the racists worry about their plight?
As the opportunists row their sick boat
Harness the haters with “Don’t know, donkey vote!”
Sucked seeds
Hilarious to hear LNP toads explain
Why they lost, how to change, to regain
No mention of corrupt, criminal crooks
Nor self-centred, self-aggrandised, self-entitled sooks
Nor muck-mired, amoral, munts in bible robes
Nor inaction on climate, or integrity probes
Nor clueless incompetents, parachuted clowns
And similar civil stooges in official gowns
Nor wanton waste of taxpayers’ money
With billions for mates’ secret pots of honey
Nor ‘All for the rich, pain for the poor!’
And creating lowered wages, giving them ‘what for’
Nor mountains of debt, both public and private
And inflation, interest rates, the dour housing state
Nor privatisations whence profit punts priority
Nor health care, education: funding the rich minority
Nor disastrous defence spending, duds buy duds
Nor export trade sanctions, fake wars spruiked by Spuds.
So double down on “No!” and right-wing bigotry
Pander to the fully-franked, ignorant, bucolic seniority
Accuse/blame new government of their own misdeeds
Re-write history, pretend what-yer-not, suck seeds…
War sores
We win the war, at what cost?
We lose the war, everything lost
We don’t engage, we won’t enrage
We trade our way, sovereign sage.
War hawks sow, informed ignorance
Lobbyists’ secret, ear-worm trance
Government commits, insiders’ payday
Rinse, repeat: “All the way with LBJ!”
“We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan, if the truth gets out
“We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan, if the ICAC’s about
So we’ll use our murky media mates, to cover, lie n shout
And our loyal lobbyist insiders, to give us covert clout…
Plague of plaque
Inept ministers, LNP flops, dumped at the polls
No talent, right connections, self-acclaim extolls
New ‘career,’ directorships, so well-remunerated
Blustering, stale tubes of gap sealant, so venerated
Pushing out talent, women, perfect candidates
Like Colgates, quietly achieving, talent, gives mandates
Cleaning, renewing, strengthening with no decay
Not slugs, twice their use-by dates, blocking the way.
Feet up
Legislation, regulation passing by the shipload
Inequity, equality, gouging: hammered or by goad
The LNP shit show fast-fading in the rear-view
ALP, public servants, progressive cross-bench new
Bent, lazy LNP crooks: feet up on their desks
Fingers clasped ‘hind empty heads verbally swatting pesks
Only times engaged to hold each others’ dicks
Or dial a deal, do a steal with crony donor pricks.
Parallel Universes 101
If at first you don’t suck seed
Lie, lie again ‘til you bleed
Changed by lies’ quantum slime
Altered Topology of Spacetime
Quantum tunnel to paired Universe
Then Wormhole back, in reverse
Tell the same lies, rinse and repeat
Event Horizon media’s feat
And Dark Matter’s, covert momentum
Backbench support, donor-crony scum
Shape-shifting truth from his lies
That which he glibly then denies
Suddenly true! Dark Energy’s trick
Lies transformed by a dead-set prick.
Ellen Pee
(rap with a silent ‘c’)
Gun totin’
Murdoch gloatin’
PHON dotin’
Conspiracy floatin’
Coal votin’
Miss quotin’
Deep throatin’
Fakebook bloatin’
Climate somethin’
Redneck moatin’
Big ‘truck’ notin’
Trump lie quotin’
Unstopped boatin’
Corrupt cloakin’
Integrity chokin’
Sugar coatin’
Scape goatin’
Racism pokin’
Backwards motion
ICAC roastin’
Shit spoken
LNP un-woken.
One plus one
One plus one equals two
Services supplied, and a wage to you
A win-win arrangement thus agreed
Maximum gain, for mutual need.
But introduce a middle-man
Where profit is, the main plan
One plus one, can’t equal three
Except three problems there to see.
Higher cost to allow a profit?
Shabby service, customers cop it?
Or lower wages for the same job?
(add corruption if a Government lob).
So basic services like Health, Education
Training, Jobs-finding, Aged-care’s abrogation
Government-run with no profit due
One plus one always equals two.
Don’t ask, don’t tell
Media mates’ mendacious manhole covers
For LNP arseholes’ attenuating smothers
Revealed rampant rorting, wanton waste
Corruption cover-ups’ hidden haste
Delusional denier, licentious liar
Photo-op pretender, protected pariah
Multipled Minister, secret, sinister
Political AfterPay: buy (lies) now, pay later.
Done over
Our country, our land, our gas, our coal
Mined and shipped off, leaving a dust bowl
Confected Oz shortage, hiked price enhancement
Foreign elites gouge, complicit LNP ‘government’
With faked ‘urgent need’ to open new gas fields
Fracked, wrecked aquafers gross dividend yields.
Children overboard overlord
The worn-out wheelie bin flaps its lid
Belching untruths like it always did
Yesteryear’s reminder of confected wars
Soldiers’ trauma’s still festering sores
Rallying the rusted-ons’ psycho cause
Desperate stalling of ICAC’s laws
Bin full of secrets, deals and dirt files
Protective armour, worn internal style
Pathetic still-wannabe, a junked has-been
Re-writing history, scene by obscene
A turd in a tank with flimsy arms
Gloved white hands, self-polishing psalms
His tax-free pension and post-PM perks
This year our highest-cost pollie lurks
Wheelie bin Dalek’s false alarm call
War crimes trial revealing it all
Lying rodent’s mates’ attempts to stall
We will decide that truth comes to fore
And the circumstance in which we gnaw
Corrupt criminal governments’ deserved fall
Decades to fix their legacy’s pawl…
My shout!
Hey, it’s my pleasure to shout!
Aussies finally got some clout
Voted snake oil Smirko out
He who wouldn’t ever shout
Even if a white shark bit him
Talkin’ tongues, singing hymns
Lurking low-life lying lout
High-vis photo op layabout
Now to fix the dire damage…
How will we ever manage?
It won’t be easy for Albanese
Cos of rorts by Captain Sleazy
And waste and record debt
Albo’s team a certain bet
Not Voldemort rebirthed Dutto
And his sidekick beetroot Blotto.
Da Plan
“Hey, the election’s on, I’ve got a cunning plan.”
“A plan? What’s that?”
“Yeah, alright, but lie I can.”
“I stuffed everything Covid, so that, I’ve got to hide
My media mates will cover up, confect a free ride.”
“ We’ll let it rip, no restrictions, make it a non-issue
Let old croaks die, not ask why, not a teary tissue
Cos their Wills’ beneficiaries will spend that inheritance
Good for business mates, our economic bromance.”
“And all these Pensioners, the disabled, health compromised
All bludgers on welfare, our deficit chastised
Wiped from the slate whence Covid demised
‘Strong economic management!’ Budget canonized.”
A good fire
The march of greedy millionaires
Compelled to become billionaires
Aided by marauding minions
Enslaved by corrupted pillions
Dog-whistling to marching morons
Who’ll pay for the ill-gained coupons
One dead-set comforting cling-on
If you see smoke, on the horizon
It’s not a scary raring bushfire
It’s Smirko’s funeral pants a-pyre.
Spinners are grinners
Hey, Mister Insurance man! I know your policy plan
It’s all designed, data-based, to max the profits man!
But what about the policies, proffered by the Pollies?
Their motive, factual basis, designed to whet whose jollies?
Are they just glib talk, pamphlets, pork and promise?
Response when challenged, “I reject your question’s premise!”
Spin from spivs only gives, hollow hopes’ projections
Just enough, for long enough, to steal the due elections.
The game is played to a plan based on opposite speak
Whatever the rort, waste of money, stuff-ups at their peak
Claim the opposite, spruik STRONG everything and big plans
With no plans, just neglect, incompetent also-rans.
A curse I care, in despair, at all the elected cunts
How easy it is, to suck them in, the mass-moronic munts
Year on year, peer by peer, the cheer of the toady dunce
Slim, disappeared? The chance of getting it right just once…!
Lie dyed ties
Imagine being Smirko’s ties
Being the brunt of all those lies
Slobber, blather, bluster, shirk
Deny, ignore, reject and smirk
Lurking, listening, from his fat neck
Knowing all of his dodgy deck
Bigot, racist or dog-whistle card
Ducking, weaving empathy retard
Having to wear his every premise
All the while appearing spotless
Despite despoilment’s only pay
Happiness is dry-cleaning day.
Minors milked by miners
Miners come, miners go
Ore all gone, nil profits flow
Secretive game and public con
Legacies linger long after gone
Leases granted on false projections
Favours lobbied by political connections
Ex-politicians employed for influence
Drafted laws by ex-bureaucrat coincidence
Roads and railways, infrastructure costs
Taxpayer-funded by debt imposts
Royalties false claim as taxes paid
Offshored profits for real tax evade
Special Visa treatment, enviro-exemptions
No closure clean-up by fudged extensions
Enviro-hazards, and toxic chemical waste
Low remedial bonds lodged: costs outpaced
Or one-dollar mine sale to a shelf company
Bankruptcy results, now public liability
Taxpayer then pays, billions for repair
Crony government squeal: economic ‘scare’
Or mine never closes, with a daily visit
Stooge worker drive-by: compliance exhibit
Meanwhile lobbyists and paid media
Public perception nudged: importance needier
Oz ownership, jobs, and economic size
Fake news free ride: no real surprise
With hidden grey gifts and ‘critical infrastructure’
Urgent cull need: the milking machine vulture.
Who’s worse?
Corrupt: dishonest, doing favours for gain
Those not favoured, pay and cop the pain
Pollies buy votes with Taxpayers’ money
Contracts, laws for mates, free sweet pot honey.
The job of journalists, their raison d’être
Inform, reveal truth, keep public trust
Now mostly cover-ups: non/misreporting
And lies, concocted to distract from rorting.
And personal promotion of fake wannabes, brands
And public assassination, by elites’ news stands
Which corruption is worse, pollie or ‘journo?’
Paid to write lies, confect repugnant faux.
Everything these days is unprecedented
Bushfires, floods, Giga-bytes, all documented
Fashion, looks, wealth: all complimented
Atypical, plain, reliable: so lamented
Empathy, morals derailed, disoriented
Lies, conspiracies, motives invented
Despot leaders with minions demented
Minorities, refugees, by racists resented
Photo-op Ministers by flags ornamented
Taxes, enabled, by loopholes circumvented
Whistle-blowers, Reports: redacted, compartmented
Distractions as cover-ups, straight-faced presented
Statistics, indices, National Accounts misrepresented
Insiders: connections, dirt files, silence cemented
Crises, printed money, elites’ wealth augmented
Wage earners, oldies, the poor malcontented
Fossil fuel industries, taxpayer supplemented
Climate change, extinctions, ecocide unrepented
Nil-tender contracts: donor-cronies alimented
Scandals, rorts, corruption: LNP shit-scented
The emperors of lies and spin ungarmented
Honest, caring folk, by cheating cons tormented
Loathing fermented, unassented anger vented
Voters decremented for those unprevented?
Won’t hold my breath ‘til that’s implemented…
The Lied Piper
“Hear ye, Here ye!” from the Town Crier
Big on announcements, voice octave higher
“We’re head of the queue!” from the Shire liar
Breathless give-away, pants on fire
Fake photo-op fantasy briar
Pretentious puke ukulele trier
Career evaporation, polls dire
Policy wasteland, desperation choir
Meaningless drivel from the Lied Piper
Conned rodents, only species to ‘decipher.’
“Wad’a we want?!”
When d’we want it?”
Watching your behaviour, you’ve got it anyhow.
Demanding the right to die, by choosing to be un-vaxxed
Reveals your sorry brain’s been, conned, dogmatically hacked.
Demanding your own human rights, but at the same time
Demanding your right to tell others, dying or in life’s prime
What they must do with their bodies, eg. when pregnant
Religious Freedumb to persecute, outrageously repugnant.
Rubberstamp toads in red heels
LNP toads have no gender
But certainly do, have an agenda
Close ranks, keep shtum, tacit support
For misogyny, sexism, inequality’s rort.
Career path, harassment, childcare, work
No sisterhood support: attack or shirk
Chaff bags, slut Juliar! Cowardly sleight
Cat calls, guffaws, malicious delight.
Then post parliamentary, public sophistry
Falsified narrative, re-write own history
Suddenly a feminist, champion of the cause
Hiding behind coiffure, manicured pussy paws.
Covid: the interview
She: “So, Covid, a global pandemic. Where did you come from?”
It: “Well, that’s commercial in-confidence. I can’t drop that bomb.”
She: “And why do you cause severe illness, even kill some?”
It: “That’s a design fault. Killing clients is just plain dumb.”
She: “Well if so, what’s your aim, your future plan?”
It: “More strains by mutation: more infectious, less lethal Anne.”
She: “How do you rate our Health and Prime Ministers’ fight against you?”
It: “Ha! A push over! Them and the stooges they appointed too.”
She: “What do you mean, how so? The media reports otherwise.”
It: “They talked about doonas, ignored me, ‘Go the footy, beers n pies!’
She: “But they got their act together when infections took off.”
It: “Lol! State Premiers saved their arse, ‘cept for one rolled Gold toff.
The Feds were all talk: ‘It’s not a race!’ Used me for political gain.
Vaccines, quarantine, incompetence, and Gladys’ negligent disdain.”
She: “So what’re your thoughts on anti-vaxers and freedom fighters?”
It: “My best allies, with LNP dog-whistlers and slimy vote-con fire lighters!”
She: “It’s been frank but not a pleasure Covid. Thanks for your time.”
It: “Fuck with Nature’s systems? Fateful Humans’ greedy paradigm…”
Everything but…
Their medicine, their phone, their house
Their car, the clothes worn by their spouse
Their food, and daily basic reliance
All good except that climate science.
Taliban or Teleman?
So many similarities, wondering who’s worse?
Pernicious leaders, control life-thread’s purse
Say things, manipulate, announce intentions
Then do nothing,or exact opposite: all pretentions
According to extreme dogma, self-serving agenda
Laws, judiciary, media, democracy: forced surrender
Incarcerations, corruption, inequality, women’s rights
Religious fanatics malicious, to decent folks’ plights
Mullah-man or Scomo-man, it’s all about man
Madman, masterplan, gameplan, sovereign sacristan.
Manila George, he’s expectin’
Mugs to swallow his Ivermectin
Deluded toad asks us to respect him
As worms inhabit his neural sanctum
No way George, shove it up your rectum.
Compulsive loopies
The Large Hadron Collider, when first started
Caused a disturbance, the Universe farted
Ominous, unseen, ubiquitous, lurking
Galaxial doom, huge hidden forces working.
5G, vaccines’ fake immunity: mutation’s knives
Containing surveillance chips, subjugating lives
And pedophile rings of protected politicians
Evil, World dominance, governance patricians.
Public conspiracies, some centuries old
Rinsed, recycled, contemporised, retold
Minds anxious or angry, Dopamine repeated
Addictive delusions, all logic defeated.
They went, they fought, they saw
The rich people’s racist war
Born of men’s egotist sore
Staring at death’s dark door
As their life’s blood ebbed they swore
‘What the fuck was all this for…?’
Poor Potty
Porta Potty sat top of the law
Porta Potty his deeds we all saw
All the media and matey men
Couldn’t put Potty together again.
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill walked off the hill
They didn’t do what they ‘oughta’
Jack’s shakedown broke the Crown
And Jill shone through the slaughter.
Up they got, the Royalist plot
As fast as they could shake her
To put to bed the lies they fed
Like vinegar and sandpaper.
Fact or friction?
Cringe, deny, arguments insipid
Nixon said, ‘Facts are stupid!’
Caught out, exposed, media harassing
Facts can also be embarrassing.
Too real, too awful, or too threatening
Facts can also be inhibiting
Weird, awesome, obscure, challenging
To some they’re also intriguing, interesting.
New science facts, revealing, urgent, useful
Our future, guided, nurtured, hopeful?
Recorded, recalled, recognized, heeded
They can prevent, history repeated.
Overlooked, blinded, masked by cupid
Judgements, in love, facts not lucid
Amnesia, dementia, facts non-existent
Politics, greed, facts now subsistent.
Are entrenched beliefs a greater threat
To truth than lies? Yes, you bet!
Liars are outed, exposed as such
But facts shift beliefs? Not Very much.
Alternate, synthetic, made in liars’ cortex
Primed, timed, via the communications vortex
Organic facts, no toxins, artificial ingredients
Media monopoly, real facts’ threatened existence.
Nothing to see…
With current debate, inciting hate
Pitting each State, mate against mate
Facts alternative, promises superlative
Fraudulent narrative, mendacity normative.
Faced with evidence, use denial’s pestilience
Negligent arrogance, with media maleficence
Distracting vague statement, side-tracking blatant
Bad news abatement, hence punters complacent.
With truth’s motility, increasing hostility
Via Fakebook’s mobility, it takes some agility
To sift through the verbage, of garbage reportage
Respect’s self-portage, from truth’s dire shortage.
Bein’ LNP’d
Fools and their money soon parted
Voters’ brains, most likely farted
Taxpayers’ money now departed
Political favours secretly bartered
Privatisations, to mates gartered
Dodgy closed tenders so bighearted
Cronies’ wallets bullseye darted
Tax rorting avalanche LNP started
Debt: existing plus Corona comparted
Sovereign debt bubble now uncharted
Poor people, climate, blatantly martyred
Future Hell, hand basket carted.
Terrorism’s whipping boys… (and girls)
Fake news, phoney wars, confected for profit
Collateral damage as civilians cop it
No rich kids, just ordinary folk in the frontline troops
Killed, maimed, mental health discharge, abandoned groups.
The cause/rise of terrorism, these unwinnable wars
The futility, consequence, the cost and timeline soars
All the above borne by plain folk, none of the cause
Not by safe rich pricks, and their unaccountable political whores.
Truth or dare
Desperate people do desperate things, a well-observed fact
Trickle-down’s made top ten percent of cats obscenely fat
The rest bled dry, feeling ripped off and cheated
Voting for frauds, populists, the clueless politically seated.
The plethora of media available for misuse
Creating false narratives, half-truths, omissions obtuse
Exploiting ignorance to pander, promote prejudice
Fact-free beliefs, stereotypes, creating undeserved auspice.
And trivial facts are conflated to distract from
Own misdeeds, incompetence, hypocritical slalom
Or creating, expounding long-held myths which
Are not proved nor disproved, to their star, liars hitch.
Issues of governance are complex and difficult
Add in allegiances, donor crony dues, religious cult
And risky shift, group think, self-interest desperation
For informed, altruistic, honest folk, there’s little penetration.
The fifteenth man
Every election, it’s always the same
Progressive parties playing, a pre-rigged game
Cricket plays the game, eleven a side
With the twelfth man, as a spare ride
But the LNP bats, to number fifteen
Murdoch, Ch7, Ch9, the ABC’s IPA’d lean
With right-wing umpires, stooges hand-picked
Opponents bats one-handed, eleven-man licked.
Divine porkies
Does praying cause lying, or neutralize such sin
As debt repaid, to empty the bin?
Or does lying create need, the will to pray
For forgiveness, respectability’s false payday?
These two rituals, in addition to other sins
Strongly coexist, in self-professed ‘Christians’
Adultery, rorting, corruption, politicians
Synonymous with praying, family-values practicians.
One of many…
He said, she said, here we go again
A moment of truth, every now and then
The scales of justice, tilted by gender
Yet another way, women’s rights surrender.
Whose staffer?
Perception by deception
Trolling by extolling
Turds big on buzzwords
Illusion by delusion
Distraction stymies olfaction
Reaction by inaction
Tweaking dirtfiles leaking
Sneaky lubricates squeaky
Precook lies on Fakebook
Expedience nil experience
Redaction covers putrefaction
Rebuttal, excuses on shuttle
Transaction frustrates faction
Standby rorter’s fallguy
Redundance equals abundance
Loyalist equals lobbyist
Or convenient public servant…
They came home in droves
From a war they proposed
Was the war to end all wars
Heavily traumatised
Mentally victimised
No-one, thought about the cause.
Shell-shock, the word
World War One first heard
Returned troops simply discharged
Alcoholism, suicide
Domestic violence broadside
Ignored, no help, society’s problems enlarged.
Then World War Two
Your country needs you
On return, only one thing changed
Same sorry game
But with a new name:
Battle fatigue, four syllables, still estranged.
With Korea and Vietnam
Experts: a new psalm
Now eight syllables, government response the same
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Same mental prison warder
Lives ruined, for what? Iraq, Afgan farce, same, futile pain game.
Seein’ the Corona, via eclipsed light
Global problems various
Mug punters’ lives precarious
Elites’ motives nefarious
Solitary for those gregarious
Online lives vicarious
Neglected needs multifarious
Solutions needed omnivarious
Practical ideas contrarious
Even those temerarious
Not ‘visionaries’ corneocalcareous
Emperors’ clothes hilarious!
Joke or journalist?
Journalists qualify, a degree at University
Coming from backgrounds with wide diversity
But a common requirement: submit to norms
Code of Ethics, public duty, regardless of platforms.
Graduation, a job, news stories written
Most become, a submissive news kitten
Dutifully writing, framing questions
Obscuring truth with false suggestions.
IF their paid output were Uni assignments
They’d surely result in failed assessments
Negative comments, a sea of red ink:
Subjective, not objective, inability to think.
‘Questions framed with bias, false narrative’
‘Report one-sided, not comparative’
‘Many facts omitted. Poor research or bias?’
‘Interview technique interruptive, impious’
‘Selective arguments misrepresent the truth’
‘Salient points missed, no investigative sleuth’
‘Need to do better, not journalistic standard’
‘Many questions unasked, people slandered.’
‘Unsubstantiated rubbish! See you in court!’
‘Hijacked democracy, for which Diggers fought…!’
Billionaire in a life raft, mid-ocean, a tiny dot
Adrift, foreign crew mutinied, stole super yacht
Abandoned to die, no water, no hope
The worth of wealth, in this situation to cope?
A billion bucks would buy some water
A billion bucks is real wealth, not a flaunter
But what money gains, not so, wealth
Means naught, if what’s needed, is not on the shelf.
If money measures wealth, like scales measure weight
And money’s just printed, lent out at bank rate
To invest, speculate, maybe yield a gain
Does this indicate wealth, or just future pain?
And is this wealth earned, or simply inherited?
‘I’m a self-made man!’ falsely interpreted
Wealth creation from useful, productive enterprise?
Or rent-seeking privatised assets, no work, big prize.
The elite one percent, own half the world’s wealth
World’s debt: three hundred trillion, risen by stealth
Tax havens stash, thirty-two trillion, and through which passes
Half global trade, sovereign states cover, tax-cheating arses.
Much of this wealth, recently accumulated
By individuals, corporations who gamed the system, lubricated
By complicit, corrupt governments, insider promoters
By transferring public/private debt to conned voters.
By foreign debt loading, and profit alienation
Elites’ euphemisms for legalised greed alimentation
When liferaft Earth’s destroyed, shelves bare, ravaged
The only earning is learning, the only wealth is knowledge.
The unreal news reel
Real news, fake news, good and bad
Facts alternative, used news sad
Transient, modified, stretched a tad
Ephemeral, evolving, nothing iron-clad
Breaking, sensation, frenzied nomad
Half-truth, post-truth, world gone mad
Reliable source or corrupt lying cad
Principled journos, or you’ve been had
Robotic fact checker, I’ll be glad
Oh… what if it’s hacked by someone like Vlad?
Climbing the ladder.
Grizzle, growl, grumble, gripe
Niggle, nag, sabotage, snipe
Disrupt, destabilize, discredit, derail
Countermine, constrain, cripple, curtail
Fawn, grovel, lick, suck
Flounce, flout, flirt, fuck
Bully, brown-nose, besmirch, brag
Whisper, white-ant, subvert, slag
Fake it ’til you make people sick
Personal quals of an ambitious prick.
The Fuxer
Washed up, has-been, second-hand fixer
No more cheerleader: the Dorothy Dixer
Hissy, whiney, fopdoodle runt
Self-descriptor: ‘You’re such a cunt!’
Life-long Super, perks now his shout
Another trough sought, for a greedy snout
Secret Defence contracts, in the know
Blood-sucking pipes: where to grow?
Les Submerinos, French underwater sheep?
Non-fighting fighter jets, costly to keep?
But a guided proboscis, elephant trunk keener?
To suck our blood dry, like a vacuum cleaner.
The Miscellaneous Allied Flute-reamers and Pipe-joiners
The Bankers Association, Minerals Council, and Pharmacy Guild
The Farmers Federation, Medical Association, all strong willed
Business Council too, self-interests, they all zealously persue
Media appearances, the breezy, unchallenged, friendly interview.
Afforded respect, unquestioned expertise, motives and authority
They spruik half-truths, their false narrative priority
These business UNIONS (a rose by any other name…)
All connive, lobby, donate politically, play the same game.
Their political influence, on right-wing policy, budgets, regulation
Their dark money spending on advertising, lobbyists, legislation
To protect and enhance their members’ profit situation
And rarely, if ever, any media scrutiny, public revelation.
Then there’s those industrial UNIONS, bludgers the lot of ’em
Alleged lying, bullying, secret deals, workplace strike mayhem
Shame on them, promoting workers interests, work safety, proper pays
Promoting training, apprenticeships, exposing shonky business ways…
The outback cork-strung Aussie hat
Shooing flies, swat-beating acrobat
Drawl through teeth, beers to shout
Mouth kept closed, to keep flies out.
But one sub-species, self-selected tribe
Lying Nil Probity mob, open to bribe
Fall over themselves, thick as flies
Open their mouths, to let out lies…
Inheritance tax
If it’s clapped-out, worn-out, broken and non-functional
It’s time to get a new one, nothing there unusual
But when it comes to planets, the market’s very slim
Youngsters must make do, inheritance clearly grim.
Three hundred trillion, world debt and increasing
Government, mortgage, credit, uni fees: rises never ceasing
Lost job security, wage theft, zero hours contracts, casualised
Politicians complicit, their donor-cronies’ wishes realised.
Our government for a pittance, sold our gold reserves
Squandered the proceeds, buying vote-self-preserves
The looming financial crisis, prolonged economic collapse
Will hit young’ns hard, their chances will elapse.
Political stability: flaky, hijacked, dodgy and dangerous
Even ‘safe’ democracy, owned, corrupt, outrageous
The permanence of terrorism, born of confected wars
And ‘collateral damage’ nonfeasance, revenge’s festering sores.
The real weapons of mass destruction: polluting fossil fuels
Sea levels rising, mass migration, climate-denying fools
Eighty percent of people, living in estuarine cities drowned
Abandoned, inherited costs, of rebuilding on higher ground.
And speaking of oceans, as they increasingly acidify
Future recipients, ripped off innocently, angry, will ask, ‘why?’
Expanding giant deadspots, where everything living has died
Greed, pollution, exploitation, extinctions, wanton ecocide.
As toxic waste, fracking for gas, destroys aquifers, water supplies
Future wars over safe fresh water, will come as no surprise
Looming epidemics, mis-used antibiotics, now made useless
Despite warnings for decades, made to the uncaring clueless.
So millennials, it’s time to realize, on which side your bread is buttered
Wake up to the lies, by old farts constantly uttered
To vote for change urgently, so you don’t end up toast
Or inherit a planet like a charred weekend roast.
We’ve lived the best years, bequeathed the worst
Greedy old elites putting their wealth first
While sleepwalking induced, by addictive social media
Mass perception, easy deception, mortal mass acedia.
Time to counter my generation’s, selfish old duffers
The ignorant, the bigoted, as not one of them suffers
The threat of a future, burdened, taxed in every way
Your future, not theirs, with no future price to pay.
Everyone knows about STDs
Virus or Rickettsias, infect with ease
Right wing politics mimicking nature
Political appointees’ pervasive tenure.
Judges, Commissioners, public servant
‘Independent’ watchdogs, positions important
Every sphere of influence now infected
Right wing ideologues groomed, selected.
The political equivalent of deliberate syphilis
Now silently creeping through governance CNS
Insidious disabling of our democratic threads
Politically Transmitted Disease, today’s Reds under Beds.
Rattus rattus
Lying rodents and weapons scares
‘Mission accomplished!’ arrogant airs
Collateral damage, nobody cares
Horrendous life, the child bears.
Resistance, reprisals, ISIS rears
Terrorist killings, world-wide affairs
Refugees pilloried, fear impairs
Logic, compassion, not hatred’s wares.
Opportune redhead, ignorance pairs
Job-loss fears, Islam, and declares
Populist rants whose lies ensnares
Corporate victims, inequality’s nightmares.
Sold our gold, privatised silverwares
Squandered mining boom, voter bears
Structural deficits, debt-laden heirs
Dog whistle hate speech, racism flares.
Sly rodent peddles mendacious ‘repairs’
Re-writing history, smug ego dares
Defend indefensibles, by god he swears
The lives of millions, his ‘conscience’ wears.
US destroyer, off coast of Vietnam, height of the Russian cold war
Sonar operator, heard a noise, reported torpedo he ‘saw’
White House said, a hostile act, it’s war that we’ll declare
On the scourge of communism, its evil intent, reds under beds beware.
Sonar operator, re-checked his readings, discovered his error, false alarm
White House ignored, lied, covered up, then declared war on Vietnam
So our fawning government, arse licker Tories, said, ‘We’ll help out’
Our boys drafted, eighteen years old, a beer, they couldn’t legally shout.
Lots never came home, those who did, disabled, physically and mentally
Our government, most people, couldn’t care less, their lives not in penalty
And decades later, Laos, Vietnam, people still kick bombs, or are poisoned
The only help, ironic the care, from Vets, once foe, now, eyes moistened.
US troops, drafted and sent, given Amphetamines with government consent
“It makes them better soldiers!” an evil lie, with benefits convenient
Contributing, enabling, drug-crazed civilian massacres like Mylai
And eight hundred thou addicts went home, to the “War on drugs!” cry.
Do we learn? Does history repeat? Nah, never, or so the story goes
But few decades later, more lies, cover-up, weapons of mass destruction arose
Bush, Blair, lying rodent Howard, his decision, his ego, world stage to strut
Like children overboard, our kids to war, all based on lies and scuttlebutt.
With corporates like Halliburton profiting billions, with ties to Rumsfeld and Cheney
Soldiers, civilians, lives squandered for profit, collateral damage miscellany
And all this time later, depleted Uranium, eighteen tonnes blow in the dust
With kids born daily, deformed, diseased, and civilians, their lives daily must
Walk through 400K burrowed cluster bombs, unspent, exploding when stepped on
Not heard on the ‘News,’ but “Mission accomplished!” the arrogant public con
And Deputy dawg Howard huffing,”Did I do good George, did I? Did I?”
This unholy mess, history repeats, predicated once more on a fat lie.
And under their noses, Sunni Prisoners in camps, planned future quest for power
Names, contacts, networking, all written on underpants in plain sight of scour
Upon release, the birth of ISIS, worldwide support with organised acts of terror
As the French sold them munitions, Turks bought their oil, money, root of all evil bearer.
And the worst of it is, recidivist, repeat offenders, these confected interventions, mass murders
By right-wing perpetrators, lying, conniving dog-whistlers, our self-serving political herders
Who ignore the plight of poor survivors: disabled, mental health, poverty, of veterans, refugees
Yet sanitize, glory-seek, spend billions, on politicised, grandiose memorials and ceremonies.
In contemporary times, Ambos, Nurses, Teachers: criticised, assaulted and abused
And frontline low-paid workers: casualised, penalty rates, rights and conditions bruised
Suddenly Corona, essential workers! All hailed Heros, with miracle protection assumed
Political platitudes, post-Corona: like Veterans, use-by date expired, normal service resumed.
Blood suckers
Beware the Aussie mozzie
Blood suckers in dick-sticker cozzie
It’s greedy, relentless, no conscience
Its utterences all false nonsense.
The method of feeding’s the same
A carefully constructed game
First identify a government subsidy
For privatised service or utility.
Then donate big to the ruling party
And pay lobbyists, hale and hearty
Win contracts, set up second-rate services
Maximise profits, suit own purposes.
Then set up methods of accounting
To hide those profits that are mounting
So as to avoid, to pay zero tax
Easy-peasy with laws so lax.
And to make sure the blood keeps flowing
Enlist the media, the public from knowing
With some profits to, politics still going
Business tax cuts, curried favour sowing.
The Public-Private Partnership dishonest con
Need, cost-benefit, over-egged come-on
Taxpayers take the risk, put up the dough
Carry loss or subsidise profit if it makes a go.
With taxpayer-funded infrastructure cost
And subsidies, tax breaks, environment lost
For miners, primary producer, sucked blood for the few
Environment repairs, more donor blood due.
Suck too much blood, the donor dies
Business plan threatened, tell more lies
Promote the basic income guarantee
A blood suckers’ supply warranty.
And beware the entitled West Aussie mozzie
Flying about in the Armani cozzie
Official business that just won’t wait
A horse race, AFL game on the same date!
So how to fight back, promote rejection
Get some Aussie mozzie protection?
Inform yourself, of the facts
Don’t vote for the corrupted hacks.
Don’t care, not interested? ‘They’re all the same!’
Your blood still sucked, no-one to blame
But you, yourself, excuses lame
The system, you, those mozzies will game!
Hobbled, nobbled turkeys gobbled
The crowned clowns of conservative con
Politically keep on, keeping on
Secret, uncontrolled mirth and derision
For mug voters, yet again set upon.
How good must it feel, just smugly knowing
Their policy victims, are everytime going
To be conned, no risk, minds never sowing
Any idea, seeds of doubt, just support, still growing.
‘Best help for the poor, down-trodden, ill health
Is tax cuts and subsidies, for elites with wealth’
Three decades of ‘trickle down’ by dishonest stealth
Poor much poorer, one percent own, half the world’s wealth.
With more people sussing the trickle down con
The new game’s now the skills shortage try-on
Attacking the poor, and those pushed to poverty, chosen yon
Shutting down unions, worker protections, empowerment gone.
So spruik ideology, self-interest, as national interest
Wars on terror, doth munitions billionaires suit best
Workers’ tax bracket creep, raise GST on, all the rest
Umm… Why not just raise, the threshold test?
They announce cruel, unfair policy guncotton
Plainly so bad, for all to see, unforgotten
Then pare it back, not quite so rotten
Crossbench support, ill gains thus gotten.
Then massive cuts to programs, welfare
Then wait some time , for waning care
Then grandly announce, unblinking, fanfare
‘Record’ increase (four percent!), cut program ‘repair.’
And ‘good for humanity,’ is burning of coal
Moral duty, save India’s poor, the egregious goal
As renewables are evil, bad for the soul
Donor cronies, mug voters, cheer this role.
When clueless ineptitude, comes to the fore
Start the blame game, expose the rotten core
Of leaners: the unemployed, disabled, sick people galore
And pensioners, state schools, asking for more!
Or confect a budget crisis, stop making cars
Record mortgages: good, but debt’s for galahs
While wasting billions, ‘Stop the boats!’ the refos from Mars
Fleeing wars, weapons, mass destruction, inflicted by our lying czars.
And all that’s needed, is to speak ‘slogan’
To cheer resonant phrases, don’t have to be bogan
Promote fear, prejudice, belief, in fairy dust showmen
Even when, agile, wordy windbag, replaces repugnant shogun grogan.
With complicit media, the mugs lap it up
‘Strong borders,’ women, kids, the sacrifical pup
The conned losers, are the biggest losers, less in their cup
Recession, more cuts for the mugs, on caviar, the rich sup.
And sack public servants, bludgers, lefties, the lot of them
Then pay private consultants, twice the price, no problem
Corporates, multinationals, ‘advice’ from self-interest will stem
Perpetual motion, as political donations, flow straight back to ’em.
And big oil/coal paid scientists, pollies to lie
About climate change, causes, solutions, alibi
There’s billions for banks, GFC threatened by
But renewables? Ruinous, economic con to ply.
Value a human life, by GDP per capita, age, gender, race?
Now or fifty years future, what will they face?
No contest, cos the IGR warns of debt and deficit apace
‘Robbing’ the future, despite climate disasters all over the place.
Kakistocracy or timocracy? Of both they can boast
Not real democracy, as perceived by most
Except those in the know, owned by host
Who sneer at serviles, unknowingly on toast.
Research into conservative, right-wing voters, ‘thinkers’
Shows limited ability, with complex issues, intellectual blinkers
Along with irrational, heightened sense of fear, anxious tinkers
Belief strengths and accuracy, inversely proportional: validity sinkers.
So what sort of voter describes you? A mug, rusted on?
Conned by economic models, false assumptions? No pro versus con?
Ignoring facts, ‘Hey look over there!’ Distracting lexicon.
Are you a turkey, self-caged, voting, for the Christmas cook-a-thon?
Swamps are a much-maligned phenomenon
Murky, yucky, slimy liaison
Of lurking, pestilent, dangerous creatures,
With predatory, evil, blood-sucking features
True portrayal of the political swamp
As the wealthy elites, on the masses stomp
By secretly wielding, influence, power
Siphon public wealth to their ivory tower.
So corporate dark money funds think tanks
‘Unbiased opinion, respectable,’ seek only thanks
Mass media, lobbyists, government: a blurred spectrum
Anonymous dark donors, the ‘government’s’ plectrum.
The dark money hires, well-paid recruits
Who write favoured laws, for selfish pursuits
Apprenticeships served, networks established
Selected for election, power-base embellished.
Swamp dwellers everywhere, play the same game
Trade deals, cheap debt, regulations by any name
Wars, spending priorities, privatised bureaucracy
Political favours, TPP, with blatant hypocrisy.
The bigger, the deeper, murkier the swamp
The greater the wealth, the funnel, the chomp
Of taxpayers’ funds to the elite unproductive
The rich get richer, the poor get plucked of…
Recessions, GFC, debt bubbles no risk
Elites bailed out by taxpayers’ fisc
Or have their funds hidden in off-shore shelters
Ready for the next game, of government wealth smelters.
Draining the swamps, good luck with that
Bribes (Sorry! Donations), assassinations, brickbat?
Expose and banish the ugly alligators?
Replaced by crocodiles, disguised as pond skaters.
2L8 m8, ur Dds @wrk
Aka sx, a qt prk
We c u 4 who u r
NE1, evn a glr
Wld h8 2 c u sta m8
Thx 4 0, c u L8r, in-gr8.
Question Time: Rooter? Rorter? Oughta?
It’s people’s Question Time in the house
‘Mr. Speaker, I address my question, to the pubic louse
The boozy beetroot: he awake after lunch?
My questions based, on known fact and hunch.’
‘Take beet out of beetrooter, what have you got?’
‘Did she offer, or he ask, the burger with the lot?’
‘His office, or after hours, extra-curricular?’
‘Expenses paid, by who in particular?’
‘Did conscience, wife, family, dent his libido?’
‘Or hot air and spin, swell his glibido?’
‘Will the bonking beetroot admit he’s a hypoclite?’
‘Will the beetroot resign, collect no remit?’
‘Hear! Hear! …the members all call
The beetrooter rises, begins his drawl
‘Mr. Speaker, I won’t respond, to fake news
I demand respect, my privileged dues.’
But the rumours turned out, to be true
And many more questions, need answers too
Travel expense, water buy-backs, inland rail
Ethics, transparency, probity fail?
The worst -ology?
A plethora of -ologies, but agnotology, favoured modern strategy
The biggest scam, game in town, masked by its own audacity
To further self-interest, promote mass ignorance, sow the seeds of doubt
With bogus science, media compliance, ‘facts’ we can do without.
Imagine the ease, the ploy of sleaze, using info to increase
The level of ignorance, denial, apathy, action sure to cease
So falsified knowledge, not lack of knowledge, a better form of ignorance
Cos ‘informed’ ignorance, the best foot soldier, to aid in corrupt interference.
The added bonus, with no onus, with ‘alternative facts’ entrenched
Most difficult task, questions asked, to make zealotry quenched
Misinformation, to unteach, the first step required
Before correct concepts, can be understood, mentally acquired.
Big tobacco perfected the game, money the easy means
Climate change, vaccination, ‘bubble’ economy raids, creationism, all similar scenes
The vested interests win the day, with years, decades, comes enlightenment
By then damage done, profits won, no justice, nor reparation entitlement.
So easy to do: lies, deception not illegal, and paid political cronies
Internet click-bait, ephemeral attentiveness, and bought, column-space phonies
Our limited short-term working memory, versus complex issue hindrance
Agnotology: the how and why of social construction of ignorance.
Impotent, important POTUS
Human throwback, alternate artefact
Obnoxious wrecking ball, hope he’s sacked
POTUS has soured into orange PUS
Minorities, the planet, poor, poor us…
The Attic
To ignorant, conned voters, he’s blindly charismatic
Across society’s perception, totally prismatic
To world order, he’s dangerously problematic
His megalomania is plainly axiomatic
Decisions, policy, ideologically erratic
Ideas, thinking, completely dogmatic
Behaviour around women, grotesquely spermatic
View of the world, the future, astigmatic
Effects on economy, world peace traumatic
Narcissistic blame-shifting diabatic
Media appearances melodramatic
His ‘shithole’ comments, racist, automatic
Talks with world leaders undiplomatic
His governing style undemocratic
His winds of change menacingly katabatic
Refilling the swamp, own crony crocs, autocratic
Repeating lies, alternate facts, always emphatic
Early demise, make decent people ecstatic
For the common good, he should be locked in his attic.
Our dog’s got rich fleas
Multinationals and their media -mate sly hyenas
Having killed democracy in western arenas
Now gorge on the carcass, the public purse asses
Stealing the power, status and money, from the masses.
The dog on the chain, loosely called the government
Wants to cut business tax, their “too high” argument
Thirty percent, but only sixteen actually paid
With Tech firms half that, due to games played.
Debt-loading the Australian branch to avoid tax
Borrowings for overseas branches, dumped here, laws lax
And profit alienation, overseas branch charges heaps
For Oz products sold, less profits, less the taxman keeps.
So the enriched, donor-crony rich, consolidate, entrench
Fleas sucking blood, the chained dog’s unhealthy stench
The poor tax-paying punters, sense the dog dying
Elite fleas jump to the new dog, same con plying.
My owl impression: Who?
Shirtfront backfire, same sex marriage ire
Pretend to fight fire, fear monger pariah
Compulsive liar, climate change denier
No corporate flier, shonk-stooge plier
War-monger friar, secret hair dyer
Puppet for hire, Lodge desirer.
Addicted trier, follows bike tyre
Misogynist qualifier, hardship multiplier
Leadership occupier, fraud, false qualifier
Oath-breaking crier, promise/lies emulsifier
Smuggled budgie attire, leadership quagmire
Head butt backfire, ‘Shit happens’ personifier.
Hot, humid, humiliating, halfway
Futile, fascist, foetid foray
Abhorred, abandoned, anxious, aweigh
Ripped-off, rorted, refoulement relay
Taunted, tortured, truthless toupee
Groundhog gateway, great grief gourmet
Secreted segue, sadism’s spillway
Denied, denounced, decoction dray
Pilloried plaints, political prey
Horrid, human, heartache highway
Living scarecrows keep would-bes away
Heartless politicians in some way will pay…
Global village, two warring tribes
Just another personal survey,
provocative political thinking purvey
Your leanings, bias, alliance analysis,
the current western political paralysis?
A summary of your points of difference,
a solution-plan starting reference
Otherwise chaos breaking bad,
are you a prog, or are you a trad?
Do you like change, opportunity, new ways,
or order, discipline, routine days?
Oppose homophobia, sexism and racism,
or hate the people targeted by these -isms?
Support human rights, a moral progressive,
or yearn for yesteryear’s values conservative?
If the former, you’re a lefty globalist,
or the latter, you’re a localist nationalist.
All primates are born with two innate things to fear,
on alert, flinching, don’t go near
Anything creeping, like snakes on the ground,
anything falling, swooping at us, earthbound
Other fears learned, otherwise some cautious, shy,
the rest curious, approachable, want to know why
These primitive emotions, our survival furled,
now the dividing line in this complex, modern world.
Globalists are informed, connected, vocal,
their insistence, persistence riles opposing locals
Who burr up with hate, feeling threatened, left behind,
tribalism their answer, responses unkind
Demanding tough, nationalist, authoritarian measures,
to restore life lost, to the past’s simple pleasures
Government’s, institution’s, democracy’s social capital,
trust-based, gone, tunnel-thinking, crippled occipital.
Enter mass data, Google, Facebook, etcetera,
right wing elites fund strategies from the military psyops area
Targeting the less educated, older, the paranoid,
fake news to those more likely, best persuaded to avoid
Supporting the globalists, their trite educated speak,
devious, secret manipulations for opportunists at their peak
To steal elections, referendums with no national interest,
conned voting sheeple, localists’ futile quest.
So what of the future, a plausible solution,
for voters to shun, fraudulent, opportunistic pollution
Immediate accountability, no covering each others’ backs,
and truth in all things, no alternative facts
And city-centric green groups, less strident, less shrill,
some compromise, empathy, pragmatism, not blind overkill.
Fix inequity, inequality, with digital, social inclusion,
education, opportunity, and fair wealth distribution.